Nice waterproof sail project completed this week at distribution lane pop up bar in Fremantle.  DRiZ is a combination of the high quality Z16 shade cloth with a clear waterproof coating to produce a unique lightweight waterproof shade cloth fabric. DriZ provides protection from the...

Outdoor play is a vital part of a child’s development, and playgrounds have long been a popular option for playtime. Playgrounds provide an isolated, safe playing area for children which encourages them to remain physically and gymnastically active, socialise with their friends, use their imagination,...

If you haven't already taken your sails down we suggest you do, as the #bomhas issued a Severe Weather Warningfor destructive windsfor people in the Goldfields, Lower West, South West, South Coastal, South East Coastal, Great Southern and Central Wheat Belt forecast districts Issued at 3:22 am...

The entrance and bedroom windows of this Innaloo unit bake in the summer sun. So much so that the owner can't touch the door handle without burning her hand. Using the contours of the house we created a right angled shade sail, that will significantly...

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ONE Shade Sails Perth : Residential & Commercial Shade Sails

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